Monday, November 22, 2010

SIFE is like a calling; it’s an expression of your passion.

Welcome to the official blog of Students In Free Enterprise, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi.

Established in January 2009, the society was started as an attempt to reach out to the underprivileged based on fundamentals of entrepreneurship and philanthropy. We believe in the positive power of business. The power to change lives. The power to go beyond mere cut throat commercial competition. The power to bring about betterment where it is most needed.

After all, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. 

Our SIFE team strives for equal involvement from all members through discussion forums, regular meetings and free flow of ideas, resulting in equal desire to make every project count. The process helps the students not only to fulfill social responsibilities but also exercise business skills. 

This blog serves as a platform for us to discuss and reshare ideas on social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, volunteering opportunities, initiatives by SIFE teams worldwide and current SIFE SSCBS projects and developments.